Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My short story . . ^^

Where There Is A Will There Is A Way ..

All parents dream that they should have a normal and healthy child. But in this case, my parents were in for a shock. I was diagnosed of having autism and they just couldn’t believe this. It was difficult for them to accept this fact. I began to develop negative feelings about myself and would often scream when I was scared. Life itself was a nightmare for me. My parents took me to a Special Center for Autism. They provided us with a lot of information on how to deal with the problem. I got to interact with different people there and the doctors had a great influence on me. I was soon able to express what I had in my mind and this progress helped me become a team member of a group. Though autism is a serious problem, we can overcome it if we have the will power!

I hope you like it . . It really took me a lot of time to come up with an idea . .


  1. really I like it...
    Thanks Maitha...

  2. i enjoyed reading it , also i loved this sentence " Life itself was a nightmare for me ":) .
